Muddy Hollow to Drake’s Head
Hike from Muddy Hollow Trailhead to Drake’s Head in Point Reyes National Seashore. We may see tule elk. We will likely also see manta rays, leopard sharks, and seals.
Approximately 14 miles, with 1,000 ft elevation gain. Map of route at: [](
Return to cars approximately 7:00 PM
If you wish to hike fast and get back early, this is not the hike for you. Mellow hikers welcomed.
**Level:** Strenuous(3B)
**Cost:** Free
**Bring:** lunch, liquids (the equivalent of 2 liters of water), and layered clothing. There are no potable water sources on the route.
**Directions:** Directions From Olema: Go right on Hwy 1 and take first left onto Bear Valley Road. Go past the turnoff for the park headquarters and watch for Limantour Rd on the left (just beyond Marsh Road). Take Limantour Rd all of the way down to the junction of Muddy Hollow Road. Instead of turning left toward the Youth Hostel, turn right and follow the gravel road to the trail head. Meet at Muddy Hollow Trailhead
**Carpool:** Arrange your carpools via comments. Consider masking up when carpooling with someone you don’t know.
Note: Carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants.
**Cancellation Policy:** Rain, excess heat, poor air quality, or fire danger may cancel.